
DISCLAIMER: Transaction value is approximate and is based on information disclosed by the parties to the transaction or other public sources. In addition, in the case of transactions consummated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, Lazard has converted the value using the exchange rate published on the date of announcement. Lazard makes no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the value provided

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Showing 1401 to 1410 of 5360 Results

July 02, 2019 Canada, United States

Morningstar to acquire DBRS

$669 Million

July 02, 2019 United States

E2open to acquire Amber Road

$425 Million

July 01, 2019 France, United States

Golden Gate Capital to sell ArrMaz to Arkema Group

$570 Million

July 01, 2019 United States

Blackstone conversion from a publicly traded partnership to a corporation


July 01, 2019 United States

Principal to acquire Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement & Trust business

$1.2 Billion

June 29, 2019 United Kingdom

Amey agreement to terminate Birmingham Highways PFI contract

$381 Million

June 28, 2019 United States

ATL Partners and BCI acquire Valence Surface Technologies


June 28, 2019 Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Accelerated sale by Rhône Capital of shareholding in Fluidra

$106 Million

June 27, 2019 Italy

Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata acquired Apulia Prontoprestito


June 26, 2019 Luxembourg, Morocco, Chad

Millicom to sell its Chad business to Maroc Telecom
