
DISCLAIMER: Transaction value is approximate and is based on information disclosed by the parties to the transaction or other public sources. In addition, in the case of transactions consummated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, Lazard has converted the value using the exchange rate published on the date of announcement. Lazard makes no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the value provided

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February 01, 2022 Brazil, United States

Open Co, Brazil's biggest consumer credit platform, raises US$115 million investment led by SoftBank Latin America Fund

$115 Million

January 31, 2022 France

Agreement on the creation of a New Suez

$12.3 Billion

January 31, 2022 Switzerland, Germany

Merck Acquires Chord Therapeutics to Expand Neuroinflammatory Pipeline


January 31, 2022 France

Kepler Cheuvreux announces the acquisition of Ellipsis Asset Management


January 31, 2022 United Kingdom

Sale of River and Mercantile's Solutions business to Schroders for £230 million

$316 Million

January 31, 2022 France

BNP Paribas, Casino Group and Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale sign an exclusivity agreement for the sale of FLOA to BNP Paribas by Casino Group and Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, and to set up a strategic partnership between BNP Paribas and Casino Group

$304 Million

January 31, 2022 Germany, France

Combining Faurencia and Hella to create a global leader in fast-growing automotive technologies, fully aligned with industry megatrends

$7.8 Billion

January 28, 2022 Italy

Ascopiave acquires the majority stake of Eusebio Energia, owner of hydro and wind assets

$84 Million

January 26, 2022 Italy, United States

Starwood Capital invests into European proptech operator DoveVivo


January 25, 2022 Greece

The Hellenic Republic successfully issues a new 10-year benchmark bond, raising €3bn out of aggregate demand of €15bn

$3.4 Billion