Lazard Geopolitical Advisory in Financial News

Lazard in the News

November 13, 2023


On November 13, Lazard’s Geopolitical Advisory group was featured in a Financial News article exploring the growing need for geopolitical advice among financial services clients.

In the article, Deputy Editor Paul Clarke writes that Lazard launched its Geopolitical Advisory unit in 2022 – “around six months after Russia started its invasion of Ukraine” – and notes how other investment banks are following in Lazard’s footsteps by establishing their own geopolitical groups.

“[Lazard] had already drafted in former heavy-hitters in the U.S. military for the team earlier in 2022. These included ex-U.S. navy admiral William McRaven, Jami Miscik who had been deputy director of intelligence at the CIA, and general John Abizaid, the former head of U.S. central command,” Clarke writes.

The article goes on to quote Teddy Bunzel, Head of Geopolitical Advisory, on the increasing demand for geopolitical advice among Lazard clients.

“More front of mind now are the tensions between the U.S. and China, with business leaders now understanding how geopolitical dynamics are driving the market environment. For many, it’s a new muscle in terms of understanding and monitoring how the geopolitical dynamics are as relevant as other risks to their business,” says Bunzel.

Click here to read the full paywalled article at Financial News.